Saturday, September 13, 2008

Great Kills Harbor, NY to Bodkin Creek, MD

9/11/08 Offshore passage from Great Kills Harbor, Staten Island, NY to Atlantic City, NJ it's 98 statute miles and took 12.50 hours

We watched weather forecasts, waited, and decided that with the forecasted wind at E10-15, sea 2-3' becoming SE is doable on the NJ offshore run when our heading is SW. So we left the harbor around 7 AM with a comfortable ride to Sandy Hook, after turning the corner at Sandy Hook the ride becomes lumpy, so we thought maybe it'll calm down after about 10 miles, well it didn't calm down, the ride was lumpy, the boat handles fine, but the human body doesn't like it. We were worn out when we dropped our hook at Atlantic City inside a nice anchorage at Rum point.

Leaving NY harbor to Sandy Hook, Fishing boats offshore at Sandy Hook

Approaching Atlantic City, hotels and casinos at dusk

Early morning leaving anchorage; Mi Sueno making passage with us

9/12/08 Offshore passage from Atlantic City, NJ to Chesapeake City, MD it's 116 miles and took 15 hours

The weather forecast wasn't ideal for this passage, wind at SE10 early than S10-15, sea 2-4'. We left the Atlantic City inlet at 7 AM, the wind was already from S, the ride was as lumpy as the day before with bigger seas, no fun for 6 hours when we got into the calm of Cape May, NJ. But after enduring the ride from the day before, we decided to continue on to Chesapeake City to ride with the current up the Delaware Bay; the wind forecast at S10, sea 2', when our heading is NW, the wind is from astern and Pooh likes it. We had a nice ride up the Delaware Bay with gray sky and drippy rain to wash off the deck. We were happy when we dropped the hook in the protected anchorage of Chesapeake City at 10PM. The small anchorage was full of cruising boats headed south, but we wedged ourselves in next to a pirate ship bearing a "For Sale" sign.

Big cargo ships on Delaware Bay

9/13/08 We awoke with a beautiful sunny morning, after a leisurely breakfast we decided to move on to Chesapeake Bay to a quiet creek for the night and it'll be a short run to Baltimore Sunday to meet some friends. We arrived at Bodkin Creek early in the afternoon, a nice cove, and a good place to recover from a lumpy passage.

Pretty morning on the upper Chesapeake Bay

1 comment:

tomtom said...

Lovely photos. But you might want to format them so that when the reader clicks on a thumbnail, the result just fits on a screen. Try 600 X 800 and see what you think of that.

Chuck Shipley
Tusen Takk II